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July 1, 2019

Why Branded Short Domains Generate More Clicks

People are busy. They prefer things short and sweet. It turns out, this is even the case when it comes to links these days. The shorter the domain, the more attractive the address. It triggers a click like nothing else. There is a science behind it too.

In fact, there is quantitative value in branded short domains. You can measure an increase in metrics all around. It yields higher engagement and conversion rates. It’s also easy to tie in your channels when everything is under one brand.

So, what else make these little caterpillars of content so attractive?


A long URL with random characters can be off-putting. A branded short domain tells the user that they are working with a name they recognize. The awareness is what creates a sense of trust and entices the user to click. This, in turn, increases engagement and can lead to a higher rate of conversion.

Web Solutions, Inc.

If you are just starting out, this method also helps to build your brand awareness. When the link is shared, other people may enjoy the content while seeing your company for the first time. It’s like attaching a sticker to your address. Anywhere it goes, people know where it comes from.

And if they enjoy it and have a positive experience? This will always be associated with the name of your business.


Simply put, shortened domains are much more manageable. Especially for mobile users. If people want to share, it would be a shame they are impeded by a long URL. There are times when not all social sharing works on a mobile device and a link must be copied. A branded short domain ensures it’s as easy as possible for an individual to put your brand out there.


In the past, shortened links have been associated with spamming. With a branded domain, you are telling the audience that it is your brand and they can trust to click the link. In fact, brands that use a URL shortener to offer vanity domains saw an increase of sharing by up to 25%. It encourages engagement.

A branded short domain shows the user that you are anything but generic. They can make the connection between your messaging and the custom link. Once they trust it is not spam, most people appreciate that you took the time to show them less noise.


Even the most well-known brands can get spammed. A branded short domain carries your messaging from the thread to another site. These types of links generate more clicks because return users also associate your brand with their experience.

Any loyal customers or users you have will automatically recognize the name of the company in the link. Once the connection is made, it makes the link more clickable.

Fabrik Brands

In fact, branded short domains have been shown to increase the click-through-rate (CTR) by up to 34%. Shortening links in this manner gives you optimal control over your content.

The internet has been good to the world, but it has also bred mistrust. In the past, spammers have used shortened links to scam people. However, a shortened link is far more manageable than a long URL.

Therefore, a proper solution is to brand your short links. Not only does it increase your CTR, it creates trust and brand awareness. It generates a positive experience for users, and that’s the true key to success.


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