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October 21, 2022

What Is the Google Ads Asset Library?

Google Ads Asset Library is a free online tool that helps you manage your Google Ads campaigns. It provides a central repository for all your campaign assets, including images, videos, and text ads.

The Asset Library makes it easy to keep track of your campaigns and make changes as needed. Launched in December 2021, it offers a convenient way to manage your Google Ads campaigns in one place.

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The Asset Library is designed to help you save time and get more organized. Whether you run YouTube ads, video campaigns, or display ads, the Asset Library can help you manage your assets and make changes quickly and easily. With it, you can:

Three Ways To Add Content To Your Google Ads Asset Library

Using Google Ads Asset Library should not be difficult. You can get started with these three ways to add content to your library:

Uploading Files to Your Asset Library

You can upload files from your computer or mobile device. To upload from your computer, click the Upload button in the upper-left corner of the Asset Library. You will then be prompted to select files from your computer.

To upload from your mobile device, tap the + button in the lower-right corner of the Asset Library and select Upload Photos and Videos. The maximum uploading file size is 5120 KB which is about 5 MB.

Adding Videos and Images from YouTube

You can add videos and images that are hosted on YouTube. To do this, click the YouTube icon in the upper-right corner of the Asset Library. You will be prompted to sign in to your YouTube account. Once you have signed in, you can select the videos and images that you want to add to your Asset Library. All the YouTube videos linked with your Google Ads campaigns will appear in the YouTube section of your Asset Library.

Upload a Complete Folder to Your Library

If you have a lot of files to upload, you can zip them into a folder and upload them to your Asset Library. To do this, click the “Upload” button in the upper-right corner of the Asset Library. Select the folder that you want to upload and click Open. Once you upload the folder, you can manage all the assets in one place.

Quick Tips to Organize Content in the Google Ads Asset Library

As you keep working, the library will start to fill with content. So, it becomes important to keep your library organized for easy accessibility and management. Here are some quick tips to keep the Google Ads Asset Library well put together:

Wrapping up!

The Asset Library is a great way to manage your Google Ads campaigns. It offers a central repository for all your campaign assets and makes it easy to keep track of your marketing ventures. With Asset Library, you can upload files, add videos and images from YouTube, and even upload entire folders. If you’re not using Asset Library yet, it’s the perfect time to start.

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