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June 1, 2020

What is a Multiple Domain Strategy?

When you want your business to succeed, you need to explore as many avenues as possible. This is especially the case when competing in a digital arena.

By now, everyone knows you need a website and social pages to gain traction but as we progress into the age of technology, new methods are developed every day. That includes a search engine optimization (SEO) tactic known as multiple domain strategy.

What is a Multiple Domain Strategy?

In order to have a big search engine presence, a brand can take advantage of something called a multiple domain strategy. This is the exact same strategy big businesses use to dominate the search engine results pages (SERPs).

This technique is not as well known because it operates more behind-the-scenes. You need to read between the lines to uncover the method in practice.

Consider the real estate brands Zillow and Trulia. They are owned by the same company, so by connecting the dots, both sites are helping to rank the brand overall.


Turns out, it’s possible to have a huge search engine presence using something called a multiple domain strategy.

This is how lots of big businesses dominate the search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s not a well-known SEO technique because it’s not that obvious. You need to go behind the scenes a little to uncover this method in practice.

This is a multiple domain strategy in action. Since Zillow and Trulia are essentially the same company, they’re helping to rank their overall brand for certain keywords. The brand is performing as a whole which increases the chance a user will click on a result that links back to your own site.

A multiple domain strategy is about adding more power to your SEO. Instead of ranking with just one site, you have the opportunity to rank with many. Since most companies focus on specific pages, you are taking competition to another level.

The idea is that my brand as a whole is performing better for certain keywords.

Why Use a Multiple Domain Strategy?

I know what you’re thinking…this seems like a lot of work. What’s the point? While it’s not as popular as keyword optimization, in the right circumstance, it can make a huge difference. There are a variety of reasons why one might make use of multiple domains:

Specific Keyword/s to Dominate

If you are searching for a certain word you want to own on the internet, a multiple domain strategy is a good start. Think of how Zillow and Trulia own the keyword “real estate.” Anytime you type that into a search engine, these brands are sure to pop up towards the top.

Multiple Brands

When a company is an umbrella for multiple brands, a multiple domain strategy is a good way to market the business. At times a brand will buy out other brands and therefore have a need to establish more than one domain. Other times, brands also create microsites.

Good Link Equity

The case may also be that you own more than one site with good link equity. This equates to the amount of power your links have. If you want a multiple domain strategy to work, you must have good link equity.

Alternatively, if there are resources at your disposal to dramatically increase a site’s link equity, you can truly make this work.

In Conclusion

There are two types of strategies for multiple domain management. A business can either build microsites or create a 301 redirect to preserve link juice.

The takeaway here is that multiple domain strategy is about putting more feelers out there. It only makes sense, naturally, that the more channels you open for your business, the more traffic will come in.

Do keep in mind, this strategy can become costly and time-consuming. It’s important to know your business needs and if this is a marketing avenue that will work. And if it does? Well, go to town!



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