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September 2, 2018

Tips for Engaging with Customers on Social Media

Social media marketing is crucial for modern brands to get their message across. The first step involves opening a social media profile across multiple channels so that consumers have a means of reaching you. This is where many companies stop and that can be a big mistake. You actually have to interact with the audience you build. That’s why it’s called “social” media.


64% of marketers said that increasing engagement was crucial for their social media marketing strategy. So how does one go about engaging an audience and keeping them entertained? Here are a few tips on how to ensure your consumer base is always interested:

Basic Engagement

The first step is always basic engagement. This can mean different things depending on the channels you choose to put your profile on. Basic engagement can involve some of the following reciprocating actions:

Having a handy list of GIFs, videos, and/or branded content to create a more engaging response is also a good idea.

Social Nicole

Remember, graphics attract people much more than simple text.

Schedule Posts

Engagement also responds to consistency. Not every business owner has the time to post constantly on all social channels. Luckily, social media management tools can keep the dialogue flowing. Two of the most popular are currently: Hootsuite or Buffer.

Create a month’s worth of content and load it into one of these and the software will take care of the rest. The most important part is that you don’t have to be there to keep your message consistent. Automation will do that for you.

Joining Groups

Joining a group on social media is another great way to meet consumers interested in your niche.

Canadian Business

Post an article to your LinkedIn business page then share it to 4-5 groups. Make sure you engage with other content in the groups, as this is a mutually beneficial practice. You can also create your own group as long as you aren’t using it to advertise. People will see right through that.

Sharing Social Videos

Video marketing is definitely the fastest way to get your point across and it also happens to be a medium that consumers deeply prefer. Facebook users alone watch 100 million hours of video every single day. 82% of Twitter users watch video on that channel. Simply put, if you want to engage people, video content is a fabulous way to do it.

Just remember with video content, keep it short, You can throw off your engagement by making people watch something that’s 20 minutes long. Also, consider keeping any ads to a minimum. Thought leadership that creates value for the consumer is always your best bet.


Engagement is not limited to this list alone. The better you know your audience, the easier it will be to engage them on their level. You should at least be practicing basic engagement at all times. If you don’t have the manpower, consider outsourcing to a social media manager so that all your bases are covered. The last thing you want is people to associate your brand with being boring. Now get to liking and sharing!



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