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March 5, 2018

The Common Roles in Social Business

Social media is a round-the-clock job. As the use of it permeates every aspect of business, various roles have been carved from the industry. What once started as simple websites moved into massive platforms. In turn, these presented multi-channel digital marketing capabilities and ways of driving social return on investment (SROI).

Therefore, since being social has become a business of its own, you should know who does what. That way when it comes time to hire, you have an idea of exactly which roles you may need to employ for your business strategies. Here are the few most common jobs that involve social media to date:

Social Media Manager

This role has many names, but they all function in the same capacity. The original social media position, an SMM (i.e. Social Media Strategist, Social Media Marketer) is responsible for monitoring all platforms and managing basic content.

Whether they follow a schedule or a strict editorial calendar, an SMM’s main role is to see to it that everything is running smoothly on social platforms and that there is brand continuity throughout.

Although the industry is constantly changing, the average salary for a Social Media Manager is around $48,000, with pay ranging from $27,000-$74,000 per year. Not bad for creating posts and engaging a community.


Online Community Manager

In addition to having a team member that ensures all content is posted and meets brand guidelines, the Online Community Manager focuses on the community of customers and prospects within the social and digital space. An OCM might run surveys or field questions about customer satisfaction. They serve as the back up to the SMM to make sure brand representation is in tip-top shape.

An OCM typically has a degree in Marketing or Communications and should be familiar with analytics. They’ll be expected to report on community happenings via metrics and track the success of online campaigns. An Online Community Manager typically earns a median salary of $49,000, with pay ranging from $33,000-$75,000.

Communications Specialist

Also called a Public Relations Manager, this role focuses on internal and external communications via events, press releases, e-mail blasts, etc. They play the most active role in engaging consumers face-to-face, in addition to operating on social media channels. These are the company representatives at marketing events and the people who have no problem being the literal face of the brand.

A Communication Specialist will field questions about your company from journalists and ensure all online content is signed off on and safe. This role typically earns an average salary of $49,000, with pay ranging from $35,000-$72,000.

Digital Marketing Manager

In this position, an individual helps a company develop marketing plans and strategies that align with their brand goals and values. The idea behind this job is to increase brand awareness through innovative and creative digital marketing techniques. A DMM should also drive sales and brand loyalty through a variety of both in-person and online events.

A typical Digital Marketing Manager holds at least a bachelor’s degree in Marketing as well as some experience in ecommerce and analytics. Having a deep knowledge of marketing tools is also recommended to truly fill this role. A Digital Marketing Manager sees an average salary of $63,000, with a pay range of $41,000-$96,000.


As the industry of social business continues to grow, additional roles will be defined to meet mounting market needs. Every company has their own way of handling their digital footprint and social impressions. The following are some other roles you may see involved with the industry:

At the end of the day, the idea is to get a person that is passionate about social media and producing results from community building. There isn’t one role to truly define them all. Once you understand your basic social needs, it will be easier to decide exactly what position fits your company best.



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