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January 18, 2019

Social Media Advertising Solutions for VIP’s

Running a company in an executive role requires many skills and in the modern digital age, understanding the social landscape is one of them. There is nothing more powerful than having a 360-degree view of your consumer base. A social media advertising firm ensures that the most repetitive tasks are carried out in real-time.

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Social media is important in all aspects of business. Just over 30% of CEOs at Fortune 500 companies are active on at least one social network. Approximately 28% prefer LinkedIn, while just 8% can be found on Facebook. Yet, multi-channel marketing is important. Here are some of the ways a social media advertising service can create solutions for VIPs:


You can’t grow a business without either adding more headcount or finding a service that makes your current employees more efficient. A social media advertising agency can help automate processes so your staff can focus on more innovative tasks. Organizations need to set aside these types of resources that allow them to retain great talent and keep employees trained on all platforms.

Competitive Analysis

A social media management service like Social Industries offers an opportunity for a VIP to study their competition in real-time. They help a business maintain a competitive edge through consist reporting on social data. Keyword alerts will be set of brands you consider competition.


Not only can this inspire further innovation, it can also show you pitfalls to avoid.

Influencers and Brand Advocates

In modern marketing, having an influencer or brand advocate in your back pocket is essential for engagement—which leads to conversions. Setting social alerts is your first step in identifying where your best advocates are and what channels they are active on.

You can then use promos and other motivators to have them reach out to their audience with your brand message. A social media advertising agency takes the guesswork out of where to campaign. It also helps to build your network.

Marketing Automation

One of the most important aspects of a social media service is the ability to automate repetitive processes. Managed marketing automation is crucial for reaching the largest audience possible. From prospecting to retargeting, it’s an essential tool for both sales and marketing teams.

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These teams can use social data to make more informed business decisions. A VIP can therefore use the information for other business tasks like product development and A / B testing. Automation therefore allows for dynamic and direct updates on availability, offers and pricing. This drives brand awareness and spurs consumers into the sales funnel.


A business segment has its audience and target them locally. This type of marketing creates the greatest relevancy for customers. It allows you to offer hyper-localized advertising.

Segmenting your customers thus lets you offer promotions and even on multiple accounts. In fact, 79% of consumers state they are only likely to use a brand’s promotion. Data-driven advertising at scale is typically expected by modern buyers.

Maximize Revenue

One of the most important jobs for an executive has always been a robust return on investment. A social media advertising service maximizes revenue by allowing all of them to join their 3 rd party platforms on one dashboard.

You can also optimize campaign performance through rule-based features and artificial intelligence. This type of access to sales data allows a company to even further their profits by drilling down through personalization.

Consumer Trends

Consumer trends are important data to estimate future campaigns. Managed social analytics wants to reveal a market share that can give an executive a competitive edge. By monitoring and setting social alerts, it can be updated in real-time on what’s trending and make immediate decisions. Studying where people are chatting up your brand so drives awareness and engagement.


Social Industries is a social media advertising and analytics agency that simplifies your operations and streamlines sales and marketing. From managed advertising to analytics, monitoring and alerting, it’s everything you need to do on social media management.

We partner with advertisers from industries search as real estate to B2B and entertainment. Contact us to learn how we can help you succeed in Facebook marketing.


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