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December 14, 2018

Social Media Advertising Solutions for the Travel Industry

The travel industry is a multi-billion dollar business worldwide. As we move deeper into the digital age, it’s important that a travel company knows their options. Whether you are a hotel or airline, understanding business intelligence is critical for gaining a competitive edge.

Finding the right solution for your travel business is about knowing your options. Analyzing and alerting on social data is important no matter what industry you’re in, and with travel forecasted to exceed 1.8 billion by 2030, it’s imperative you know your stuff. Our new service, Social Industries, helps the travel industry navigate the world of social management. Here are a few pointers to get you started:

Cross-sell / Up-sell

Gathering social data reveals trends. Social analytics allows a travel company to create relevant offers for their customers. For instance, you can show hotel or destination ads to people who recently purchased flights or advertise services like seat upgrades.


The better you know your customers, the easier the sell. That’s what makes these types of social solutions so valuable for the travel industry.

Scale Quickly

Managed social analytics enables a business to scale quickly. That’s due to advanced and targeted optimization. Sophisticated targeting and 3 rd party integrations allow a company to locate the people with the highest travel intent. Then you can create personalized campaigns just for you.

Maximize Revenue

Social industries helps to maximize revenue by allowing a business to integrate all of their tools into one space. Managed optimization enables a travel company organization through platforms like Google Analytics. This allows you to further maximize revenue through access to sales and travel data.


Travel is all about where you want to go. Thus, localization is a critical solution for the industry. Any flight, hotel, or destination can be turned into stunning creative with locally personalized offers and targeted campaigns.


The more local, the better.


One of the strongest aspects of social management is managed analytics, because it mines your social data. Smart and managed workflows not only save time, they save resources and drive insight. Managed ad creation can help navigate complex travel campaigns (like availability, pricing, and dates). Creative automation is about personalizing campaigns at scale.

Market Opportunities

Studying social analytics allows a travel company to recognize market opportunities. Setting social alerts and monitoring the web helps a business identify consumer trends. It drives brand awareness to gain a competitive edge. A good social analytics service will offer robust reporting that can help to easily identify market drifts.

Business Wire

As a travel company, advertising in the social arena can be complicated, as is growing your paid presence. The key is to have a partner like Social industries to support the complexities of social advertising. Not only does it enable you to optimize ROI, it strengthens brand loyalty and spurs product development.

Contact us to learn how we can help you succeed in Facebook marketing.


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