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July 13, 2019

Short Links and Mobile Marketing

Considering how much consumers are on-the-go, it should come as no surprise that mobile marketing is the future of advertising. In fact, Google considers a responsive website (one that responds to mobile devices) so important, it’s calculated in your overall ranking. This is known as the “mobile-first index.” That means that if you do not have a site that responds well to these devices, you will be last on the list.

A business needs to find innovative ways to market to a mobile audience. One tried-and-true method is to shorten and brand your links.

There are many benefits to shortening links for mobile engagement. These can include:

Mobile Messaging

When it comes to getting people to click a link on their phone or tablet, the shorter the better. There are many reasons for this, with the most obvious being screen size. Simply put, mobile devices have less space for an interface. That infers the shorter your links, the more room you have for messaging.

Increased Shareability

No one shares long links. They can be too difficult to copy on some devices. The shorter the link, the easier it is to share. Therefore, in addition to your initial audience, you can also begin to track how those people influence others.

This data can be used later down the line to identify key brand advocates and influencers.

Incentive with these individuals can further outside marketing efforts. In fact, Nielsen reports that 92% of consumers believe suggestions from friends and family more than advertising.

Deeper Analytics

Shortening a link makes it trackable. This produces a tremendous amount of analytics you can collect to make more informed business decisions. Since short links are highly clickable, they are the best to put in campaigns. With more people participating in your analytics, you’ll have more data to understand your audience.

Effective Campaigns

One of the main reasons for collecting analytics is to better understand how campaigns are performing. Using short links increases the net you cast for collecting information. Once you have aligned all your campaigns with short-linked resources, your high-performing strategies will begin to stand out.

Like fine-tuning a machine, you can watch this data to better understand the content your audience responds to best. Then rinse and repeat for more effective campaigns.

Driving Traffic

Branded short links can also be used to drive traffic to other content on the web. If you have a landing page or website with a particularly long URL, this technique can be highly successful. It also streamlines transitions between your marketing channels and creates a tighter sales funnel.A sorter link looks cleaner, less intimidating, and creates curiosity. The best kind of short links are the ones you can say out loud and commit to memory. That’s when you know you have winning content.

Dynamic Connections

Short links can also be used in mobile campaigns to create dynamic connections. Your branded link can be as simple as “”. Then, you can have five or six other links housed under that main one. It’s a way to aggregate information and manage all your connections in one spot.

Short links serve a variety of purposes in modern marketing and are especially useful for mobile campaigns. From shareability to deep analytics, they can be used to manage a channel from end-to-end. The ultimate mission is to engage people and create a space where your marketing isn’t intrusive. Short links tend to achieve this goal perfectly.


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