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May 13, 2019

Segmenting Your Audience Through Data

In modern marketing, consumers are eager to feel special. They respond quickly to personalized messages, purchase faster with customized discounts, and convert easier with highly relevant content. In order to market to people efficiently, you must first find ways in which you want to group them (so your advertising is more applicable).


There is no right or wrong way when segmenting an audience. There are only different perspectives on the data. The following are a few different avenues you can take when personalizing your campaigns and segmenting data:

Contextual Data

This is the type of information that relates to content viewed by the user. The keywords and the information displayed on the page are captured so you can better understand what engages the consumer on your site. Gathering contextual data helps a company stay informed on certain web behaviors and align the ad messaging accordingly.

Behavioral Data

Social monitoring and advertising companies like Social Industries enable a company to gain deeper insight into the customer as an individual. One way of doing this is through cookies.

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This is a means of analyzing a user’s online behavior. It can track things like:

Users can then be segmented based on similar behavior and targeted with a relevant message that will make sense to the group.

Psychographic Data

This will give a brand insight as to “why” a person will buy from you. 71% of consumers surveyed prefer personalized ads. What motivates them to purchase? What are the defining factors? This includes a variety of aspects about an individual that may overlap with other forms of segmentation. Psychographic data is:

This type of information will give a company greater awareness of who your audience is and how best to target them.

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It is actionable information that can guide advertising and marketing efforts while painting a more detailed picture of your lead.

Demographic Data

The most familiar type of data to marketers is demographic information. It provides details about who your customers are from an outside perspective. Demographics can include data points like:

This type of information establishes the foundation for a buyer persona that marketing can use to produce creative content. Segmenting based on demographics is one of the easiest and most common ways to sort groups for data-driven marketing campaigns.

Geographic Data

This answers the question of “where” in the world your customers (or potential leads) are located.


If you are targeting specific regions, geographic data is pivotal for developing relevant advertising. Global brands that seek to tailor their offers to local promotions will find this type of segmentation the most beneficial.

1st Party Data

This is the best type of data you can collect because it comes straight from the mouths of your audience. A data management platform (DMP) is a place where companies house all of their customer data. A customer relationship management tool (CRM) is a certain type of program that can help a business manage all aspects of sales and digital marketing, while maintaining a robust amount of information on every lead and customer.

Segmenting your audience and advertising through interactive content is a great way to go a step beyond and collect 1st party data. Automated marketing that produces metrics (like email open rates) are also important ways to collect first-person information. These data points can include things like:

The best strategies marry both sets of data: the first party and third party. When used in conjunction they can paint a 360-degree picture of exactly who you need to segment.


Digital marketing is not a science, but it has come a lot closer than ever before in the past few decades. The guessing games are less employed, as rich social data breeds smarter advertising. Gleaning insights helps inform your data-driven creative, achieve relevance, and reach your audience in a way that is authentic. It will resonate better with each segment and create a deeper sense of value every time.




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