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July 4, 2021

How To Work With The Instagram Algorithm in 2021

Yup, the Instagram algorithm has changed yet again. What else is new?

If you’re an A-lister or head of the New York Times, you may have already gotten wind from Instagram Headquarters that the algorithm has been tweaked. But if you’re regular folk, you’re probably scratching your head right now in confusion. How to keep up with Instagram’s algorithm that influences how well your brand performs on the platform?

Worry not; you’ve come to the right guide. Stick around as we unpack what the ever-evolving algorithm means for your Instagram strategy and how best to work with it to keep your engagement rates from floundering. 

What is the Instagram algorithm?

Here’s a myth-buster for you. There’s no ‘one algorithm’ that determines what users see on Instagram. Instead, numerous algorithms, classifiers, and processes are used to personalize user experiences. In other words, Instagram makes a calculated guess on what content users care about most and promptly filters out the rest.

The algorithm determines:

Essentially, the Instagram algorithm works like a judge of sorts, controlling your content’s organic reach. It may seem a bit suspicious, but Instagram promises it’s not. With over one billion active Instagrammers on the app, the social media giant has had no choice but to introduce a sophisticated process for ranking posts. In fact, Instagram reports that before the algorithm rolled out in 2016, people missed 70% of the content they cared about.

How does the Instagram algorithm work?

Nope, there are no Matrix-like forces behind the algorithm. It’s rather simple, really. Instagram collects all the information that’s posted, the people who posted, and the user’s preferences. Called Instagram algorithm ranking signals, there are literally thousands of them. While it’s not worth going over all of them, the most important ones to know about are covered below. 

#1 Engagement with followers

You know the drill. You like a specific type of post, and then you start seeing more of them on your feed. The Instagram algorithm looks at how you engage with specific posts, effectively making an educated guess about the content that matters most to you. Every action you take on Insta, including liking, commenting, or spending time on a certain post, determines the order of your newsfeed. 

#2 Interest

Like all social media platforms, Instagram’s core purpose is to satisfy user preferences. At the crux of it is showing relevant content that people will be interested in. Rest assured, dog-lovers will see cute videos of puppies nuzzled next to newborns, football fanatics will receive football highlight videos, and makeup gurus will discover a new eyeshadow in the Explore tab. Overall, a solid chunk of the content a user sees is based on the algorithm’s understanding of user interest points. So if you are a person that fanatically likes all of your bestie’s photos, the chances are you’ll be seeing a lot more of her in your feed.  

#3 Timing

The most recent and relevant posts will show up first, especially with accounts you follow dutifully. As a brand, leverage this to your advantage by knowing exactly what time to post on Instagram. Do this by simply going to Instagram Analytics and look at what time your users are most active. Aside from this, the algorithm will also consider how many seconds you spend on a post, using this data to determine what content you’ll see on top. To ensure your followers don’t skip out on your content, make every single post unique and attention-grabbing. First impressions count.

#4 Frequency of use

The more quality time you have on Insta, the likelier you’ll see fresh, personalized content. As a frequent app user, your newsfeed will be sorted chronologically, while inactive users are less likely to see highlights from the day and will instead be exposed to a backlog of content.

How to beat the Instagram algorithm 

Ready to master the Instagram algorithm? Start by producing highly engaging content that speaks to your niche audience and doesn’t put your followers to sleep. An added tip would be to stay on top of Instagram’s fluctuating landscape.

Learn about the latest Insta happenings- Jump in on the latest trends that will help your content stand out from the crowd. Don’t be afraid to experiment with features like Instagram Guides, Collection Ads, Instagram Reels, and Instagram Story Ads

Be fun and entertaining on Instagram stories- Instagram stories are all about creative storytelling. Packed with interactive features like GIFS, polls, countdown timers, and stickers, don’t shy away from being fun and more lighthearted on Stories. Your users will thank you for it (when your story views explode).

Create engaging captions and comments- With Instagram paying attention to comments, it’s key to generate content that starts a conversation or prompts users at the very least to applaud your caption. Start with an opening sentence that grabs the user’s attention and nudges them to read through your whole text. Bonus tip: include a strong call to action.

Build a hashtag strategy- Yup, hashtags still play a significant role in getting your content seen. Add a broad mix of hashtags to reach more people, effectively increasing your chances of showing up in the Explore tab. Consider using a third-party tool to research hashtags like MetaHashtags (they do the heavy lifting for you). 

Create more videos- It would be hearsay to claim Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes videos over captions. But video content is a sure-proof way to at least grab a person’s attention quicker. If we go with the logic that the algorithm prioritizes user engagement above all else, then creating engaging video content will undoubtedly do the trick. Luckily, Instagram comes with a host of video features like Reels, Stories, and lGTV that you can take advantage of.

Key takeaway

You may be thinking, what’s the point of going to all this trouble when the algorithm will eventually change again? Yes, the algorithm will evolve, but there’s still plenty of opportunities for brands to engage with their target audience. To outsmart the algorithm, use these technical insights to create a strategy that prioritizes high-quality content creation. Because irrespective of what Instagram will be up to in the next few months, the one thing that will never change is the need for engaging, creative content.


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