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June 26, 2021

Instagram Posting in 2021 — The Success Guide

You’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, and suddenly you get bombarded by the same brand repeatedly. Either they’ve entered into a posting frenzy or are on-point with their posting; which is it? Instagram posting in 2021 may feel like a complex maze, with many businesses getting mixed messages about how often to post on Instagram. While there are no set rules for Instagram posting, there are certain tips and tricks you can follow to get on top of your Instagram marketing.

Stick around as we answer some of the most pressing questions on Instagram posting.

When should I share?

How often should I be sharing?

How to crack the Instagram algorithm?

How to get more followers?

What is the recommended Instagram post frequency?

You may have heard marketing connaisseurs talk about posting once a day, or else the Instagram algorithm will turn on you. While posting regularly is key, how often you post is less important, as long as it’s consistent. So, whether that’s once a day or three times a week, stick with a posting schedule.

The last thing you want is to post every few months and then churn out six posts in a day, only to not post for a month. Consistency matters. Lastly, focus on quality, not quantity. Rather than becoming a content mill, each Instagram post should be thoughtful, strategic, and engaging.  

When is the best time to post on Instagram? 

When to post depends on where your followers are in the world. For example, in the United States, studies have determined that the best time to post is between 9 am and 11 am EST. However, your audience may be in a different time zone, so it’s best to find your personalized time to post, depending on when your followers are most active. Ultimately, the Instagram algorithm prioritizes recency, with a newer post showing higher up on the newsfeed than an older one. 

To find your best time to post on Instagram:

Understanding the Instagram Algorithm 

Contrary to popular belief, the Instagram algorithm cares less about your post frequency. Here’s why.

When you post on Instagram:

  1. Your post appears selectively, only showing up on some of your followers’ feeds or stories (unless sponsored)
  2. Each time a follower engages with your post, it’s shown to a broader audience range
  3. If your engagement rates skyrocket, your post receives more exposure

The bottom line is, Instagram algorithm pays attention to your post engagement rates. According to the social media giant, key metrics for feed ranking are comments, likes, reshares, and views for videos. So keep this in mind when you plan your content and captions. 

How the algorithm works for Instagram stories

Emphasis is on timeliness and engagement since the latest stories from users’ favorite accounts will always appear first on the story feed. Ultimately, the more users engage with an account, the more stories they will see, so focus your efforts on creating bombshell stories. 

Hacking the algorithm

While there’s no ‘secret’ method to cracking the algorithm, what you can do is create valuable content that reels your target audience in. This means keep engaging with your audience, placing them at the heart of your content marketing strategy. 

How to get more followers

While there’s no manual to Instagram growth, the most successful brands with cult-like followers have unlocked the secrets to posting effectively. Below are some tips and tricks to optimize your posting for ultimate success.

Final thoughts

Creating and maintaining your Instagram account takes grit and patience, but it doesn’t have to be a chore. Don’t be afraid to experiment and learn as you go. And if ever in doubt, consult our posting guide for inspiration.

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