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September 30, 2020

How to Advertise on Pinterest

Pinterest is far from being played out and it’s not just a platform for bored moms. It’s a hotbed for social advertising opportunities and can draw in mucho revenue for the brand that does it right. It’s a visual platform, much like Instagram, and has over 175 million monthly users who are highly active.

How Pinterest Makes it Work

Pinterest is a platform that shines in many ways. It’s highly regarded as a strong channel for ecommerce sales with an incredibly engaged audience. Images are often built around custom product development and users intentionally log on to find and purchase creative products.

Promoted pins completely blend into the Pinterest boards and never distract or put off users like other social media sites. Their demographics suggest products are targeted toward millennial women from the United States and case data study confirms this.

Ecommerce retailers love the value of Pinterest’s highly targeted search engine and often use ads to promote their brands and products. This is done by picking a high-performing pin and boosting it based on visits to your store or engagement metrics.

These promoted pins are then placed in more relevant positions across Pinterest’s boards. This makes them highly visible for people just browsing or searching for keywords associated with your brand and/or related products.

The Cost of Advertising on Pinterest

The cost to advertise on Pinterest can be a bit difficult to find. They keep these prices very guarded and often have custom plans for a business. Not very long ago, ads were somewhat costly at $30-$40 per 1,000 impressions and was only available to larger brands.

Today, recent studies indicate that users are getting more affordable rates to advertise. Some brands report a CPM of $5.30 and a CPC of $1.52. This puts Pinterest in a similar ballpark as other social media platforms for marketing, like Facebook and Twitter.

Setting up a Pinterest Campaign

When you talk about Pinterest advertising, what you are really speaking about is the act of promoting pins. This is really the only advertising function on the site, but it’s incredibly effective. Setting up pins is easy and there are plenty of step-by-step guides you can Google that will walk you through the process.

Pinterest Advertising Strategies

When it comes to advertising on this platform, it’s important to have a plan in place. You cannot pin a post and just expect things to happen. The following are a few tips and tricks to running a successful campaign on Pinterest:

Final Thoughts

Many brands shy away from Pinterest, which is fine if your audience truly differs. However, rest assured if you have a product or service that caters to middle-aged American women, this is the first place you should stop!

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