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March 24, 2020

Heads Up! These are the Best Social Media Marketing Trends in 2020

Successful marketers in the business know that one of the most important aspects of the job is staying on top of trends. If you miss an opportunity, the competition could soar ahead with a new tool or technique. If it’s a big enough disruption, the business may never catch up.

Every year, new platforms and concepts are developed that take brands to the next level. For 2020, here are the strategies that are shaking things up:

Building Social Communities

Most brands have gotten the message that a social media page is necessary. Many even understand there must be a steady stream of creative content. However, there are still a large number of businesses that are running virtual ghost lands. There is no engagement and barely any community to speak of.

In 2020, brands should focus on the specs of building their own communities and getting people excited and interested in what is being offered. The more users individually network on your page, the easier word of mouth marketing becomes. Once that happens, brand advocates will come to the forefront. Then, a business can work with them further for more authentic marketing strategies.

Digital Detox

There are now almost 4 billion social media users across the world. That means almost half of the entire global population is on social media. What that equates to is eventual burnout. The new studies are showing that people are getting a little overloaded and are “detoxing” from the platforms.


This is not the same as quitting. Most users are simply taking a break. This is indicated by people deleting apps but not accounts or simply leaving their device at home. Most research shows this trend is not only good for your mental health but has positive physiological effects as well. In other words, it’s good for your audience to take a mental break. A business should just be prepared for a lull every now and then.

Nano and Micro-Influencers

Influencer marketing is still alive and well but the way its being run is shifting. High-paid influencers with a large following are on the outs. That’s because they have been causing a lot of bad press and most consumers have had enough. They no longer trust what these people are selling and when that happens, what exactly are you paying them to influence?

This is why community building is so important for brands. Because this is the pool you will pull the most important influencers from. Your own customers. Call them what you will, brand advocates, nano influencers, etc. These are the people that actually believe in your brand and are not just being paid to say that.

If you create programs to reward these people, you can retain them not only as customers for life but powerful brand advocates. And when that happens, the marketing machine runs itself.

Social Media as Customer Service

More brands are starting to realize that in the new age of consumerism, anything online goes. That means that people will continue to comment and review while seeking customer service. Therefore, rather than ignore these users, brands need to start thinking about employing a form of customer support across social pages.

28% of people surveyed have used social media to communicate to a company over the past year and 23% believe it’s a good way to get 24-hour support. If people already believe this, it’s up to the brand to meet them at their mark. The worst you can do is leave someone hanging…right in front of everyone else.

These are just a few of many changes happening in the world of digital marketing The more effort you make to be aware of the trends, the easier it is to compete.


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