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June 26, 2021

Starting a podcast: Why it’s the right move for your business

Would you rather read an endlessly long article or listen to it while completing a chore or driving? With the world only getting busier, there’s a certain beauty to listening to a podcast while multitasking. And businesses have caught on, with many tapping into this lucrative form of audio content marketing to inform, entertain and sell products effectively. 

Whether you’re aiming to elevate your brand, build authority, sell yourself, or just have some fun, read on to discover how to harness the power of podcasting to meet your marketing objectives.   

At a glance: ten reasons to podcast 

Why podcasts are trending in 2021

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that people crave connection and choice. 2021 has brought on a podcast boom, with more listeners tuning in than ever before to branded podcasts. 

Here are some groundbreaking statistics for you:

What are podcasts used for?

Podcasts are a multi-faceted source of knowledge and entertainment. From creating high-quality episodes on key topics to audio storytelling, below are some examples of what to podcast about. 

Benefits of owning a podcast

From crafting quality content to fostering relations with your niche audience and advertising your products or services organically, well-executed podcasts are pure marketing arsenal. Below are some top business benefits to consider.

Expand your reach

Ever heard the expression, the world is your oyster? When it comes to podcasting, your reach can be far and wide, helping you penetrate past traditional communication channels and access global markets. On the bonus side, if you opt to broadcast your content on a popular streaming platform like Apple or Spotify, you can tap into a new audience that doesn’t usually search for you on Google, and in turn, make your audio content more accessible.  

Deepen your connections

The beautiful thing about podcasts is that you get to really explore your voice as a business. The added ability to turn your podcasts into conversational speak, where the audience has the opportunity to connect with your team, makes you more authentic and approachable as a brand. Whether it’s about connecting with a new crowd or cultivating an unbreakable bond with your existing followers, a podcast is a compelling way to build brand loyalty. 

Low-cost form of marketing

While some startup costs are involved in setting up a podcast (investing in decent equipment, choosing a hosting platform, etc.), it’s considered relatively cheaper than traditional marketing avenues like buying up ad space. 

Earn extra income

Sure, your number one goal might be to spread brand awareness and inform, but a podcast can be a surprisingly profitable platform. While this depends on how successful your podcast is — including how engaged your listeners are — many businesses have unlocked the secrets to monetizing their podcasts. Consider selling ads, participating in affiliate campaigns, crowdfunding, or offering subscriptions.  

Should I start a podcast?

There are no hard or fast rules when it comes to podcast marketing. Businesses of all shapes and sizes have benefited from podcasting. Whether you’re a B2B business, an owner of a cupcake business, or a yoga enterprise, almost any industry can leverage podcasts to build brand loyalty and ultimately grow sales. Instead, the question you should be posing is, ‘can I pull off a podcast?’ Indeed, running your own podcast is no small feat; it takes guts, time, and strategy to build a loyal audience. 

Best practices

So, you’re ready to start your shiny new podcast, now what? We’ve curated some industry-leading tips to help get you started.

1.Arm yourself with podcasting tools- The last thing you need is your podcast to sound and feel amateurish. Invest in a solid microphone, headphones, and appropriate recording and editing software.

2.Find a quiet recording space- This might seem like an obvious one, but you’d be surprised at how many businesses get it wrong. Obviously, you might not be ready to book yourself into a professional recording studio, but you definitely can set up in a quiet room. Find a space that preferably has few furniture items to help break up the sound waves. Bonus tip: Carpets and cushions are great for reducing echoes. 

3.Sign up to other podcasts for inspo- The universe of podcasts may seem frighteningly enormous, but you can work it to your advantage. Stay up to speed with trending topics by following other podcasts. Sign up for email newsletters to stay on top of the latest happenings in your industry. This will increase your chances of staying fresh and hot as a branded podcast.

4.Niche down- Pick a niche that makes sense for your business and hone in on it. You’re far more likely to break into your target market when your podcast is laser-focused on one overarching theme rather than trying to appeal to everyone.  

5.Promote promote promote- Make sure everyone knows you have a podcast. This means promoting it in newsletters, your website, on social media, and through word-of-mouth. Hot tip: Consider collaborating with other podcasts as a way to increase your audience. Appear on other shows as a guest, and cross-promote with other notable podcasters. If you opt to go for this, just make sure your partner in crime is within the same niche as you.  

Ready to podcast?

The world of podcasting may seem scary, but trust us, it’s an incredibly lucrative marketing field to break into. When planned right and executed smoothly, your business podcast can do wonders for growing sales. Going beyond and above that, hosting a podcast is a way to showcase your industry knowledge, connect with your audience and even generate a side-hustle income.

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