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March 5, 2021

Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes Everyone Makes

So, you’ve been running social media for a while and have hit a plateau? Or, maybe you’re just starting out and want to avoid a simple blunder. Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s better that someone else makes them…right?

Building a social corporate presence should be easy, but brands often make simple errors that can become quite costly, like:

In this blog, we’ll check out a few of the top social media marketing mistakes everyone is making today, how you can recognize them, and the best ways to avoid the pitfalls yourself.

Mistake #1 – No Clear Objective

Before ever posting a single tweet, you need to decide which social metrics matter most. There are different campaigns you can run depending on the outcome you desire. Be very specific about exactly what you want to achieve out of each campaign.

The vaguer you are in social media marketing goals, the more disappointed you will be. For example, if you want to achieve brand exposure, you’ll want to look at metrics like frequency and reach. However, if you want to drive leads, these two metrics mean virtually nothing. In the case of sales, analyzing cost-per-action and cost-per-lead are more common data points to track.

Setting up your social marketing campaign performance metrics through a focused lens means you won’t lose sight of which KPIs to optimize and prioritize.

Mistake #2 – Getting Granular

Many brands understand that you must collect some data, but tend to lack specificity. They downplay data, UTM, and pixel strategies. Embedding tracking codes into your URLs and landing pages can help drive insight about visitors from social sites.

This optimizes efforts and grows efficiencies across every campaign. That’s because these types of tracking features show what happens after audiences click your ad. It demonstrates what actions consumers took, including ones you might not have expected.

UTM and pixel tracking codes identify better prospects and build on historical successes. Without this type of first-party data, you won’t have a complete picture of what’s happening on social.

The whole idea is to decide which website clicks are the most valuable, and then create messaging that guides consumers towards those desired actions.

Mistake #3 – Producing Poor Quality

For optimal performance, creatives really need to shine. Even with limited resources, a business should never hold back. Sometimes you just have to pay for higher quality in terms of copy and imagery. If pics are fuzzy or posts are grammatically incorrect, people will notice and you’ll hemorrhage brand trust.

Every single social media post must be taken seriously. Even when you think no one is watching, they are. That may mean changing the post aesthetic to better suit each channel.

The more effort you make, the more it ensures your point of view is always on time, on trend, and on target.

With this in mind, it’s best to analyze your campaigns as an ongoing process. Never “set-it-and-forget-it” or fail to establish base metrics. This is what helps to identify which content to eliminate and where you can increase spend to drive the strongest results.

Plan to refresh and revamp your content every three to four months. Creative exhaustion can impact cost efficiencies and pose challenges in meeting KPI benchmarks. Worst, it can draw up negative effects on the brand.

In Conclusion

Social media marketing is important because it removes the stale B2C stiffness of traditional marketing avenues. Customers and brands can authentically interact and create a synergistic relationship.

The number of global social media users has now surpassed 4 billion people and it’s only predicted to grow. Additionally, social marketing is a cost-effective solution where performance is highly measurable. It’s intuitive, easy, and convenient.

Make sure you are not making the most obvious mistakes, especially late in the game. One channel may be great for your demographic, but not support a company’s ultimate goals.

Be smart about where you post your messaging, pay attention to the trends, and always watch the data. This will help inform your social media marketing plans well into the future.

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