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January 31, 2018

Branding in 2018: What’s Changing About Social Media and Business

Almost 60% of American consumers interact with a brand on social media up to three times a day. Digital disruption is now moving at such breakneck speeds, you better put your seatbelt on. Social media marketing trends are changing faster than the wind and only the savviest of business owners will keep up. That means you.

Staying on top of changes and being ready to pivot starts with doing your research. Google is your best friend and time is of the essence. In order to know where to focus your efforts, you have to look at what’s trending (in both a positive and negative light). Then your brand can deliver the best possible results to your customers. Here’s a few ideas to drive you in the right direction:

Generation Z

Generation X and Millennials are less relevant. 2018 is all about marketing to the newest age group entering the workforce. Although millennials are just as tech savvy as Gen Z, there are a few key advantages to focusing your digital strategies on the youngest consumers.

Consider some of the following recent stats comparing the two generations:

So, it seems the youngest creatures are the most social. Not surprising, but when it comes to your budget, you shouldn’t be making guesses. Brands like Tommy Hilfiger are already marketing directly to this generation with concepts like a shoppable fashion show geared towards young mobile consumers. Pay attention to the trends that reach them, and then give them what they want.

Less Organic Reach

As Facebook is putting the kibosh on timeline marketing, businesses will see less opportunities to promote on the platform. Other social networks are expected to follow suit. Brand fatigue is driving conglomerates like Facebook to change their algorithm in the newsfeed to present a more personal approach to users. This can affect influencers in every market that exists—in a major way.

It all depend on how you market. Just know that in 2018, most brands will experience less organic reach. Who knows if the trend will last, but you should certainly curb your business strategies towards producing more trustworthy content and less paid social advertising. Always think authentic.

Back to Basics

Things are getting crowded…in every sense. As the digital universe is flooded with virtual exploits of every nature, consumers are getting a tad sick of it. There are now more than 50 million brands using Facebook Pages to reach customers, with 4 million paying for ads. Is it any wonder Facebook is changing the algorithm? Soon it will have no real users left.

The social management platform Hootsuite recently published their annual report on social media trends and found that consumers are also getting tired of being introduced to new tools every five minutes. That includes new updates, tactics, buttons, layouts, formats, etc… If you want your brand to excel in 2018, keep it simple for people. “User-friendly” goes a long way.

Honorable Mentions

Things change quickly. There are a few other trends on the social media marketing horizon that you should keep an eye on:

Branding in 2018 is about marketing to the right audience and doing it in a genuine way. Steer clear of over-complicating your message or paying for too many ads. When all else fails, simply be authentic and true to your brand, and your customers will always appreciate you.







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