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December 15, 2019

Branded Short Links and Your Swag

Yes, it’s a cool way to walk, but “swag” is also slang for the marketing promotional materials you give out at events and conferences. It’s important to choose the right kind of content and supplies because you’re most likely competing against hundreds of other businesses at these get-togethers.

Promotional Materials

Swag (marketing materials) are an incredible way to introduce your brand to the world and let it out into the wild. If you do it right, it can be the least expensive and most impactful form of marketing you achieve. Swag can be almost anything, but common forms include:

However, if you want to be recognized above the rest, you may want to think outside the box.

Branding Swag

The entire purpose of promotional marketing materials is branding. That’s the endgame. Before you order loads of pens or keychains, consider a few tips:


Choose swag that is industry-specific. The more value you can create for professionals in your sector, the more they will remember you. For example, if you work in education, you can’t go wrong with a branded notebook. If you work in finance, consider something like a mini calculator on a keychain. This is one way to tell a story with your swag.

Front and Center

Make sure you choose swag that puts your logo front and center. If you don’t do this, it invalidates the entire purpose of the marketing material. Make your logo large and in charge. Complement it with messaging that makes sense.

Leveraging Social Channels

Encourage people to share your swag on their social media channels. The cooler the free item, the more likely this will happen. The more you encourage people to chat about your brand online, the more brand awareness you build.

People get excited about free stuff that’s useful, so take advantage of this avenue. If you’re paying to attend a big event, don’t drop the ball and leave without connecting people to your digital footprint.

Short Links and Swag

We live in a digital age, so when you meet someone in person, the ultimate goal is to get them in your virtual space. This is where it’s easier to convert people and turn them into leads (or better yet, customers). One of the best ways to bridge this gap is through branded short links.

A branded short link (i.e. vanity link/URL) is nothing like what your regular website URL looks like. It’s a super short and easy-to-recall brand name or phrase that can be pasted onto any type of swag. Once you include a branded short link with your promotional material, you have created a call-to-action that invites people to continue the conversation online.


Once online, users can be prompted to perform a variety of actions like watching a webinar, filling out a digital form, or signing up for a newsletter. All of these are tasks you cannot ask someone to accomplish at your booth. Therefore, branded short links are essential to making your marketing efforts matter. It’s cross-channel strategizing at its best.

Environments for Swag

Your promotional material shouldn’t be limited to a conference or event environment. There are many other ways to send your branded short link and logo into the universe. Consider some of these other fine uses for your swag:

Get creative. People appreciate innovation. One thing you should never forget is how to properly brand your swag. It doesn’t stop with your logo. There should always be a means to bridge the gap and continue the customer relationship. This is easily done with a branded short link.


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