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July 22, 2021

A Quick Guide to Managing Short Links in Linkhawk

If you’ve landed on this article, then chances are, you’ve already begun creating short links in the system and want to know where to put them.

If not, here’s a quick refresher:

Getting Started

Before you create the short link, make sure you’ve gathered all the necessary data. This includes:

Steps to Creating a Short Link 

To create a short link, log into your Linkhawk account. Then complete these steps:

  1. Click on ‘Links’ in the navigation
  2. Click ‘Create a new link’ 
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Select a Usergroup
  5. Paste in the Target URL you would like to shorten
  6. Select the Branded Domain from the dropdown
  7. Add the main slash tag
  8. Add more tags to categorize the link (optional)
  9. Click ‘Create link’

Once the short link is saved, it will appear in your Linkhawk dashboard. This is the area where a user has a high-level overview of link activity and the performance of campaigns.

The links you create with Linkhawk will only expire if your Linkhawk account is deactivated or deleted. 

Where to Find Your Short Links 

Any short links you create in Linkhawk are housed under the “Links” tab in the upper left-hand corner of the homepage. 

From the main “Links” page, you can view each short link created separately. They are listed by newest to oldest, and contain details like:

This screen allows you to click away to test the short link itself or check on the Target URL. From this screen, you can also determine which short links are getting clicked the most. 

If you need to edit a short link that’s already been created, this is the page to do so. There is also a place to access the specific analytics and metrics for each short link created.

If you cannot find a short link in the list, the search field in the upper-right hand corner is a fast solution.

What to Do With Your Short Links

In addition to creating and tracking short links, they can also be grouped into campaigns and used on Linkboards. 

Short Links and Campaigns

Short links can be grouped together in “Campaigns” so they can be tracked easier. For example, if a business is running two separate promotions at the same time, they need to be managed simultaneously.

Let’s say one is for a “buy one, get one free” (BOGO) and the other is “30% off specific items”. In order to track both campaigns, short links for each channel can be grouped together in the system.

If you’re running the BOGO promo across social media, email, and direct mail, all links you shorten in Linkhawk for this promotion can be saved together on the “Campaigns” page. You can even name it “BOGO” to keep track. 

Short Links and Linkboards

Branded short links can also be used in the Linkboards you create on Linkhawk. These boards are a collection of customized and branded links that quickly guide your prospects to exactly where you want them. 

Linkboards allow you to design attractive and appealing landing pages in just a few minutes. A business can also create multiple calls to action that make it simple to route customers to your website, blog, online store, social media channels, and more.

The Value of Short Links

So, if all campaign links take you to the same spot, what’s the point of using a tool like Linkhawk? There is quantitative value in branded short domains. You can really get a feel for your top-performing campaigns. 

Short links yield higher engagement and conversion rates. It’s easy to tie in all your channels under one brand. Shortened domains are much more manageable. Especially for mobile users. If people want to share, it would be a shame they are impeded by a long URL. 

A branded short domain ensures it’s as easy as possible for an individual to put your brand out there.

Have any more questions about creating short links in Linkhawk? Contact us any time!

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