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July 16, 2018

What is Interactive Email Marketing?

As the emphasis on customer experience continues to increase, marketers need to find new and innovative ways to grab a consumer’s attention. Interactive content opens the door where static leaves it closed. It’s all about movement and engagement.

When it comes to email marketing, interactive content is where it’s at. In fact, a recent survey found that the click-to-open rates on an email with interactive content were 73% higher than those with static content. Just adding videos to your email content can boost click rates up to 300%. In other words, motion equals money. So, what exactly does interactive entail and how can you get started?


Interactive Content

Content becomes “interactive” when it requires the viewer to actively participate and engage with a piece of media to access the full experience. This is where your best call-to-action works brilliantly. Unlike a regular CTA made of text, interactive content may require the recipient to tap, swipe, click, or perform a number of actions to express further interest. In other words, people are physically interacting with the content you create.

The power of interactive content is undeniable. Consider some of the following facts:


Examples of Interactive Content

Essentially anything that is using motion to lead to a CTA. When it comes to email, interactive content has proven time and again to be the most effective type you can choose for a campaign.

Interactive Email Marketing

The rise of interactive emails has a lot to do with email clients becoming much more relaxed within the past few years about what they will and will not let users view. As a result, the floodgates have opened for all types of content that marketers can work with.

It is no secret that images work much better than text. In fact, people are 5X as likely to answer an email with an image. Thus, it should logically follow that moving images will yield even greater results.


Although interactivity in email marketing can be as simple as including a video, some companies are stepping it up a notch. They’re hiring developers to create entire experiences within the body of the email. These designers are using HTML and CSS to create features like buttons, forms, tabs, and live counters that allow recipients to take action right within the email.

Dubbed “mailable microsites,” consumers can even convert directly from their desk, yielding a personal brand experience that’s unique to every customer. A prime example of an interactive email campaign would include the Chicago Tribune. Their email campaigns feature a live newsfeed that readers can scroll through. They can then click on any story which will lead them directly to the site. It’s genius, really.

Key Takeaways

Consumers will always buy from a brand that is energetic, fun, and provides value. The data shows that marketing is trending towards images and aesthetics. It only makes sense that moving images and interactive elements are the next step.

When done right, interactive email marketing not only increases engagement rates, it leads to greater brand affinity and a higher ROI. Since this type of content asks the recipient to “act,” it makes the consumer feel like they are a part of your marketing—and that’s a powerful thing!

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