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May 19, 2021

5 Social Media Advertising Tips for 2021

Out of 7 billion world population, around 3.5 billion individuals actively use social media. From Facebook to Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok — there is something for everyone.

As we move towards digital transformation and modernization, social media platforms have become a pivotal advertising playground. 

Businesses need to leverage their power of social media advertising intelligently to set themselves apart from others. Yet, with so many tips, tricks, and guides available online, finding performance-driven social media tips can be overwhelming. 

To help you begin with a robust and interactive social media brand presence, here are the top five most effective social media advertising tips right now:

1. Keep Your Goals Clear

To thrive on social media, your company needs to have clear goals behind advertising. Social media is a complex game, and your business goals need to closely align with strategy.

First, define all objectives you want to achieve — it could be anything from more brand awareness and conversions, to customer onboarding and vendor management. 

Once you define goals for each social media channel, you can experiment with your strategies using A/B testing. This helps get the maximum benefits out of your budget. Most people overlook the testing phase, but it is critical for social media success! 

2. Focus on Context

Everyone is aggressively pushing content on all social media channels, and the majority of it has no context. Before creating anything, you need to ask the right questions.

For example, will this post add value to my audience? If the answer is yes, then you’re good to go.

To take the lead in the market, you need to focus on audience demand and the context of how you are solving their problems. 

Before preparing the social media strategy for 2021 campaigns, spend time researching what the audience is searching for on social media channels. Do enough competitor research to know what the top brands are doing and how their engagement looks. 

3. Video Is the Future

During and after the pandemic, video consumption across social media has risen significantly. This upscaled trend is here to stay. To maximize benefits, companies need to put more focus on video advertising and storytelling. 

After the pandemic, customers’ buying behavior has changed drastically, and video advertising acts as a catalyst in generating higher traction. 

From Instagram Reels to TikTok videos, and long-format YouTube ads, the options are there. Picking the correct format before you advertise adds more value for the audience and ensures you’re reaching the right people.

4. Engage Your Audience

Social media advertisements shouldn’t be a one-way communication. It’s a brilliant way to engage with an audience while running campaigns. You can post paid contests on social media to encourage people to participate or polls asking for opinions.  

This helps to understand more about customer psychology and buyer intent.

Running quizzes or a small video workshop on social media can help brands take full advantage of potential customers’ curiosity. 

5. Micro-Influencers

By reading the word influencers, most people think of hiring a celebrity that will charge them an arm and a leg. However, nothing could be farther from the truth.

You need to play the influencer game differently. To target a micro audience, you must hire micro-influencers that have good followership in your niche. 

By collaborating with them, you can instantly access their user base to promote your services or products. 

Final Thoughts

Social media advertising is changing rapidly, and you need to keep up with the trends for 2021 and beyond. Use these simple social media promotion tips to take the lead in your niche and gain the highest traction from a segmented audience. 

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