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December 1, 2019

What is a Link Shortener and Do I Need One?

A URL, link, domain, whatever you want to call it makes for a tricky part of marketing. The addresses are clunky, full of gibberish, and hard to recall. Simply put, they are not pretty. That’s why modern marketing has invented vanity links. They go by many names, including:

And any other combination of the sort. The bottom line is shortening a URL makes it much easier to track, manage, and share. In order to do this, you need a tool called a link shortener.

What is a Link Shortener?

A link shortener (also called a URL shortener) is a tool that takes a long URL/link and turns it into whatever you want it to be. VOILA! Whether it is your brand name or a relevant message, it’s a simple way to direct people to where you want them to go. Other terms for the same tool include:

You get the idea. It’s about taking a long and ugly URL and making it short and sweet.

A custom link shortener acts as the base for all the short links and vanity URLs you create. Instead of using a generic domain, you can choose your own.

Using your own custom domain is best when sharing links online. It leads to increased link trust, brand awareness, and a healthy click-through-rate.

What can a Link Shortener do?

A link shortener has more functions than you think. In addition to shortening, here are a few slick things you can do with one:

Link Masking

A link shortener allows you to mask the original web address. In the past, this was a turnoff for consumers as hackers took advantage of this feature. It allowed them to hide malicious links that lead to viruses and malware. Thankfully, modern browsers like Google Chrome have built-in security features that identify these links and warn you.

Nowadays, link masking can be used to take a long or complex piece of content and simplify it for the masses. This makes it easily shareable and more digestible. Other good reasons for link masking include:

Link masking should never be confused with link cloaking. This is when false information is presented and users get redirected to a completely different type of content. That’s a Black Hat SEO practice that can get your website banned from Google.

Link Tracking

Many people don’t realize a major function of link shorteners is so a business can track their return on investment. This is particularly the case when it comes to print campaigns and social media—both channels are hard to track.

This should be the number one reason to shorten a link. It will gauge your performance. It can show you exactly what you are doing right and wrong so you can make the most informed decisions.

Running campaigns without tracking them is like fishing without a bobber. You never really have an idea if you are close to a big fish. Tracking gives you a more accurate idea of real visitors coming to your site and your actual conversion rate.

The bottom line is that link tracking is important for all marketing efforts, whether it is personal or professional.

You need a link shortener to make your URLs more appealing to your audience, mask a garbled and long link, and track the outcome of your efforts. It’s a simple marketing task that goes a long way!

Do you have any questions about link shortening? We love talking links! Give us a shout or comment below.


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