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September 10, 2019

Infuse Your Email Marketing with Short Links

Everyone gets a thousand emails a day. Your inbox is most likely full right now. Yet, email marketing is making a comeback as one of the most effective means of messaging in modern digital marketing.

Active email accounts are expected to hit 5.6 billion by 2019.

Consider some of these other facts about email marketing today:

There are hundreds of others. There is no debating that email marketing is powerful. Using short links in email marketing is a practical way of conveying a lot of information, in a small, branded space.

The Hesitation

A decade ago, marketers may have thought you crazy for using short links in email marketing. It’s was the method of choice for scammers. But ten years ago, technology was alien to what it is today.

In fact, it evolves exponentially. That infers methods even two years ago are outdated and possibly useless. It also means, strategies we may have feared in the past, are the most successful avenue to modern marketing.

The logic has been flipped, but there’s good reason why. The search engines are consistently evolving. It makes sense. It’s the job of the developers to always be a step ahead of spammers, scammers, hackers, and keyword stuffers; the frauds of the world.

When approaching your marketing strategies for email, consider some of these benefits to using short links:

Making an Impression

It’s the difference between using plain paper and a letterhead. Branded short links in an email look less sloppy, more organized, and make a great first impression. It’s attention to detail that tells the recipient you respect their time enough to offer this convenience.

In email marketing, content should be short and sweet. The longer the email, the less it is read. Short links create a shortcut to your messaging. A vanity link cuts to the chase with intent. It’s a level of polish that sets you apart from the competition.

Promoting Special Campaigns

Just like creating a specific hashtag for a marketing campaign, the same goes for vanity URLs. Not only do they function great in the non-digital space, but branded short links stand out in an email. Especially if they coincide with the message in the subject line.

This type of brand continuity makes your short link much more clickable. The relevancy also drives brand awareness and trust.

Tracking Performance

One of the most important aspects of short links is the ability to track successful campaigns. Short links can tell you which contacts are influenced by what efforts. They demonstrate what pieces of content are the most successful and which emails draw in the most buyers.

The metrics from vanity URLs can be used to connect a client’s localized email campaign with website conversions for a store location. This can show you how effective the campaign is when driving people to the brick and mortar site.

Collecting this type of data is crucial because it can guide a marketer when creating future email campaigns. A drip campaign can be constructed with the five best emails and then set to automation. There are endless email marketing possibilities when you shorten your link for analytics.

Short links demonstrate to customers and potential leads that your company cares about being on-brand. Vanity links are particularly successful when non-html versions of emails are being viewed. They can even be used to create dynamic content within an email.

Ultimately, technology can be circular. Sometimes it ebbs and flows. Email marketing dropped out for a few years, but now it’s back, and the rules have changed. Don’t be afraid to test the waters. You may find your most successful email campaigns are the ones with the pretty little links.

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