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August 5, 2019

Short Links in Your Print Media

A URL can consist of hundreds of characters. Using long links in print media, be it a newsletter, flyer, or brochure, takes up valuable space. It can confuse your audience and literally turn them off from the message.

That’s why using a short link (preferably branded) is the key to making your URL memorable. It’s also more shareable by word of mouth.

What is a Short Link?

URL shortening is a method in which you cut down the length of a URL for easier manageability. The shorter link will still direct traffic to the same page, but it’s much more convenient for an audience.

A branded URL, or custom short link is when you have succeeded with connecting your own domain to a URL shortener host. The platform acts as the base for the short links you create. It also leaves room for branding.

Studies show that branded links receive up to 39% more click-throughs than generic ones. They also lead to increased link trust and brand awareness. So, it’s in a company’s best interest to create short URLs.

Inserting the Short Link

Compelling flyer and print design do not include lengthy URLs. If you are not sure where to begin, the process is simple. Once you have a Rockstar print design, find the domain you want to mirror with a branded URL. We’ll use our brand as an example. Then:

  1. Visit and accept the terms and conditions.
  2. Enter the URL you want to shorten on the indicated text bar.
  3. Click the green button to process.
  4. Copy and paste the short link in your print design.

Branded links come with a small, additional fee, but are worth it for print media. Your best bet is to create what is known as a “vanity link.” This uses your brand name, or a keyword associated with it, to generate the most memorable short link possible.

Call to Action

Aside from the design, your print copy should also feature a shortened link as the main call to action (CTA). When branding, you may want to take your campaign keywords into consideration. The idea is to say something that will entice people to click and continue the buyer journey. The more traffic you have towards the link, the more likely people are to convert.

Consider that this is physical marketing. The shorter your CTA URL, the better. Brief quips like “BuyOneGetOne” or “freebiehere” are incentives that will spark curiosity in your audience. Especially if they think they are getting a freebie.

It also helps to develop brand recognition and loyalty. For digital marketing purposes, you can hashtag these phrases and use them in social media marketing campaigns. The more channels you can connect with the same words, the larger the net that is cast.

Multiple Channels

One of the beauties of shortening links is that they are also highly trackable. Performance marketing practically depends on them for analytics. If you are using multiple channels or creating various campaigns, you may want to consider developing a few separate short links.

Use one phrase for your print media and another for your digital campaigns. Then compare the two to see which avenue you should consider in the future. It’s A/B testing at its finest. It will also help with sales forecasting and further product development.

Isolating the performance of each campaign through various short links allows you to laser focus strengths and budget smarter. Maximizing efforts while increasing conversions, at a low cost, means success…every step of the way.


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