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August 1, 2019

Vanity Links Can Drive Your Social Accounts

Branding on social media is one of the most important moves a company can make in modern advertising. That’s why you need a way to get your name out there as easily as possible.

This can be done through the creation of vanity links. In fact, studies show using them in your social media campaigns can increase the results by 35% or more.

What is a Vanity Link?

Wait one minute. Before you start creating vanity links left and right, you should know exactly what they are. Also known as vanity URLs (or branded links, custom short link/URL, etc…) they are a descriptive, pronounceable, and memorable URL used to redirect traffic from one place to another. It’s a URL that has been converted into a customized link.

In terms of social media, it is the unique username you assign your social account. So instead of:

you would have:

The point is that you are making it easier for people to remember a URL—which isn’t typically that memorable.

The URL should always contain the name of your brand or a keyword closely associated with it.

Choosing a Vanity Link for Social Media

A vanity URL can leave you dead in the water if not done correctly. There are certain things you should include in your branded short link to ensure it gets the highest traffic possible. This entails:

  1. Use a word as close to your brand as possible. It may be that your exact brand name or keyword is already taken. In that case, consider the next most popular term to drive people to your site. Also, whatever replacement you choose should be simple. The more complicated you make a short link, the less likely people will click.
  2. Think long term. Your brand will grow, and the scope of business may change. Choose a word or phrase that resonates with the company’s goals and values. This ensures it will always stay relevant to your messaging.
  3. Proper spelling and grammar. Vanity URLs can be practically permanent on social media. Make sure before you save anything, everything is spelled correctly, and the grammar is on point. It will be extremely difficult to change after the fact. You may even have to create a whole new social media page.
  4. Consider where you are directing people. If it’s a specific campaign, it might be easier to use keywords related to that content. A landing page may be the best route. It can link back to the rest of your digital presence while keeping people engaged in your social media funnels. In fact, targeting your landing page correctly can increase conversion rates by up to 300%.

The Benefits of a Vanity URL in Social Campaigns

So, what’s the whole purpose of this branding exercise? The idea is to get more people to see what you have set up outside of social media. This means you must entice them with your messaging. There are a few ways in which vanity links will bring your business success.

This includes:

Vanity URLs are about establishing a presence. More importantly, they are creating convenience for your audience. That leads to sharing, engagement, and drives brand growth. It spells success all around.


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