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June 14, 2019

How an Influencer can Use a Short URL to Their Advantage

One of the most effective forms of digital marketing involves influencers. In fact, they are so successful, companies report an ROI of $6.50 for every dollar spent. Influencer marketing is inherently low in production costs, yet they tend to produce stronger leads.

The only time an influencer may not be on their game is if they do not have the proper tools to get the job done. This is especially critical when posting links. Influencers share a lot through linking and backlinking. The longer the link, the less likely the click. Here are a few ways in which an influencer can use a short URL to their advantage:


Tracking ids and other parameters are often attached to URLs, making them clunky and illegible. Using a short link enables the consumer to focus more on your message and less on the garbled text. It allows for easier sharing across all channels, including social media, email, and SMS.


If you are using a mini-blogging platform that counts characters, like Twitter, it’s the most ideal tool to have for sharing. That’s because it gives you more room to get your message across. You waste less bandwidth on useless characters related to the URL.


When making purchasing decisions, 70% of millennial consumers are influenced by the recommendations of their peers. Influencers are part of a team. They are interested in carrying a brand across their own channels.

When a link is shortened, it can increase the click-through-rate (CTR) by up to 34%. This helps you optimize the content and divert traffic back to a page. Branding is one of the most important jobs of an influencer and a branded link helps spread your message across multiple channels.

Money Mound


One of the most unattractive parts of a URL is what happens after the backslash. It can look like a virtual mess. Cleaning up a URL draws attention to a brand. After all, it is technically the “home address” online.

An influencer that has the ability to customize the back end of a link can increase engagement and draw attention to the branding. It maximizes the click performance because it stands out. Not everyone thinks to engage their audience with the structure of the URL, but it works. People love short links.


As the influencer market continues to rapidly expand, there is a need for people to essentially “show their work.” In the past, this has been a tough task. Demonstrating your effect on a digital audience is not easy.

Using a program like Linkhawk allows an influencer to not only shorten a link (and make it more clickable), but it attaches their work to the effort. Every time you share a shortened link, the metrics are tracked and stored. An influencer can then generate reports and demonstrate how they contribute to the brand.

Influencer Marketing

Twitter research shows that 49% of consumers rely on product recommendations shared by influencers for their purchases. However, an influencer can only go so far. You need the proper tools to get the job done.


The influencer industry is growing and every day a new technology is born that streamlines the process of workflow. It is up to marketing professionals to stay on top of these trends and gain a competitive edge.

A great way to start is by shortening your links. It helps to customize messaging and track efforts. It also facilitates sharing, which is the true power of influencers. The easier you make it for people to talk about a brand, the more wins you pocket all around.





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