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January 8, 2019

Social Media Advertising Solutions for Brands

The best way a brand can reach their audience is through social media. In 2019, it is estimated to be 2.77 billion social network users around the globe, up from 2.46 billion in 2017. That means it’s critical that they have a plan for their social management.

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A social media advertising service, like Social Industries, is a brand new one-stop-shop for social media advertising, monitoring, and analytics. Having the right team with exceptional tools can give business a true competitive edge. The following are just a few ways a social media advertising agency can benefit a brand:

Creative Content

The more you put into your content, the more consumers will notice. Personalized and interactive emails, videos, and even technology like virtual reality is a great start. A social media advertising service can provide templates and creative content that will take a brand’s engagement to the next level.

Combining branding with product discovery engages consumers through multiple channels and concepts. Mobile-first ad formats thus yield the highest level of interactivity.

What’s Trending

Brands are able to better study market trends and consumer patterns with a social media management service. Monitoring and setting alerts will notify a business in real-time about where your audience resides in the social media space.

It’s much easier to recognize market opportunities when you have access to social analytics. A good social media advertising team will have extensive reporting to identify market drifts.


One of the most important components of a good social service is the ability to automate repetitive processes. This allows for more streamlined workflows and leaner teams. It enables a brand to fight fatigue by delivering the most relevant content to the right people. When used properly, managed automation can increase and scale volume.

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Triggers and performance-based rules mean less manual labor. No more physical monitoring when you can set social alerts. Then a brand can study the social data to make more informed decisions.


Creating relevant content is essential to reaching the right audience. Consumers love personalization. Developing an experience for the buyer is about data-driven advertising and localized marketing. It is also important to consider a consumer’s previous experience.

Offering local promotions and discounts can really drive customer retention. In fact, a recent survey found that 79% of consumers stated they are only likely to use a brand’s promotion if it’s tailored to previous interactions.

Competitive Analysis

By setting alerts with consistent reporting, a brand can maintain a competitive edge. They can therefore see what their competitors are doing in real-time. A business can then use this social data to draw up a competitive analysis.

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Pay attention to what your competitors are doing well and where they are falling short. A brand can learn a lot simply by observing others in the industry. A social media advertising platform will make automating this process easy.


A brand can increase efficiency and performance with the right tools. Artificial intelligence replaces manpower and never gets tired. It can work for you 24/7/365. Part of boosting performance is that managed automation allows a brand to always run relevant creatives.

Targeted marketing cuts out the fat. It enables you to use ad studies to thoroughly test your content. Then simply run the campaigns that perform the best.


Platforms like Social Industries wants to integrate 3 rd party applications so everything a brand needs is on one dashboard. This saves you from having to buy costly upgrades or apps that you may not even need. Additionally, when everything is in one place, it is the creation of a 360-degree view of customers. And the more you know about them, the easier it is to convert.

Omni-Channel Optimization

It’s important that a brand doesn’t put all their eggs in one basket. A social media advertising service allows a business to reach out to multiple channels at the same time. Therefore, you’re never choosing between social media giants like Facebook and Instagram. This also allows a brand to optimize their performance on every channel. You can then hit them all up with similar content and call it a day.


Social media advertising is a fine art and it can get complicated. Having the right service and people means getting the job done a lot faster. Whether you are analyzing, monitoring, or automating, consumers will appreciate the extra effort to meet them on their level and deliver what they want to see.

We partner with advertisers from industries search as real estate to B2B and entertainment. Contact us to learn how we can help you succeed in Facebook marketing.




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