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December 3, 2018

8 Questions to Ask a Social Media Consultant Today

There are now over 3,196 billion people using social media, which is up 13% from last year and steadily increasing. The value of social media marketing is priceless when it comes to a meaningful audience in a quick amount of time. It allows for easy customer service, paid advertising, and even spurs product development.

However, navigating the landscape of social media when you’re a busy business owner. That’s why the job of social media is what carved out. If you’re looking to get a ball rolling, here are a few things you should know:

1.    What is your previous track record?

Do not just take somebody’s word for it. A good social media marketer wants to be able to demonstrate their proven results. You can start by asking if they have a portfolio. You should therefore inquire as to who their current clients are to avoid any conflict of interest.

If you have a well-trained consultant, they should be ready to show proof in numbers. It is not uncommon for SMM to track their metrics through platforms like Google Analytics . If they are “proof-of-concept”, they are “traffic” and “conversions,” then they know what they are doing.

2.    Do you have any references?

By the year 2019, spending alone in the United States alone will increase to $ 17.34 billion . So, before you put your money where your mouth is, be sure it’s for the right person.

A portfolio is like a resume or a CV for a social media consultant. If they do not have one, it’s a surefire sign they are inexperienced. It’s OK to hire someone with little experience.

The best consultants are those that have references and a variety of professionals that can recommend them. The day of calling is not dead. It can be quiet be done. Do not be afraid to pick up the phone before you take your wallet.

It’s also important to ask the consultant the right questions here. Do they have successful campaigns? Have they led to further brand exposure? How do you help them in your market? The more questions you ask up front, the more you can afford.

3.    How do you report?

Reporting is crucial. Any professional social media consultant should have a method in place in which they prove results. That’s their job security. If you come upon SMM, that’s a good chance they do not know what they’re doing. Tracking ROI and social return on investment is vital to social media marketing success.

It’s not simply about adding likes or what’s called “vanity metrics” (numbers that look good but do not equate to cash). You want a consultant that’s actually able to analyze things like conversions rates and page views. If they can demonstrate they are consistently monitoring results, it proves there’s a standard procedure.

4.    What is your process for reporting?

You should confirm the social media consultant’s reporting process matches your expectations. If you want to see something weekly, make sure you report on that basis and not another timeframe-like monthly. The quicker you are aware of any social media issues, the faster you can address them. A good consultant should have knowledge of the obstacles before you have to deal with them.

Nearly two-thirds of brands do not measure social media ROI. That’s the glory of hiring a consultant. Their expertise can tell you exactly what they are looking for. It’s their job to know. If you ask for metrics and a consultant looks at you doe-eyed, it’s probably time to move on.

5.    How do you solve the problem?

How would you handle a social media crisis? That’s an important question to ask any potential consultant before hiring. An estimated 67% of consumers use social media networks like Twitter and Facebook to seek resolution for issues. Social media is a place where people can change very quickly. Entire businesses have been ruined over simple social media comments.

Effective monitoring and problem solving is crucial for social media success. How do you react to bad comments or reviews? Does negative feedback cripple them or inspire them to do better?

Additionally, not all marketing campaigns you want to prove a great accomplishment. Sometimes things look better on paper. It’s important to hire a client that will monitor your campaigns and cut the cord when necessary. They should be using methods like A / B testing to discover what works best for your brand. If they are close, this should not be difficult. The quicker you cut off poor campaigns, the more money you will save.

6.    What is your strategic plan?

Some of the most talented social media professionals are great writers. It’s important to ask your future consultant what their long-term plan is for your social media. They should be able to produce a workflow that functions for both parties.

Every business in every industry is different. What works for one company, might not work for another. A professional can guide you in the direction that fits your brand best. They should be able to easily streamline traditional media and event marketing with social media efforts.

Having a Consultant is a good start to understanding the ins and outs of your operations. Then, formulating a strategy based on your experience and your particular business is a perfect place for a plan. Lastly, a shared editorial calendar is the icing on the cake and will keep you in the “know” about your branded content at all times.

7.    How are you to key influencers?

“Word-of-mouth” always wants the most effective form of marketing because people will consistently trust their family and friends. Influencers bridge the gap between your brand and their trust. They appeal to people as “friends” and consumers hang on their every recommendation.

In fact, 49% of consumers rely on product recommendations shared by influencers on Twitter For their purchases and 60% of consumers have been Influenced by a social media post or a blog review. Ideally, your social media consultant already wants to be connected to key influencers.

However, that’s not necessary to find someone talented. If they know how to easily network with people in your particular industry, that can just be as powerful. At the end of the day, it’s about those who are most eager to build your brand awareness.

8.    What is the cost?

Ultimately, it always comes down to budget. Many businesses are reluctant to invest in social media marketing because of it’s difficult to track results. However, with the right consultant, they should be able to easily report results for you.

In 2018, 90% of businesses are expected to increase their ad spend. That means you’re getting ready for a social media strategy. There are a few questions you can ask. This can consist of inquiries like:

The list goes on. The more questions you ask, the less financial surprises you’ll have in the long run. A professional SMM does not want at least the line of questioning. They should be as easy as you ask.

Social media is still a tough cookie for many business owners. Companies are beginning to see the real value of interacting on these platforms. From product development to resolving customer issues, social media proves a vital medium for modern communication.

If you feel you are lost on where to begin, hiring a social media consultant is a great start. Not only are they knowledgeable about the process, they can prove the results when it comes to your bottom line. Employing the right social media consultant working on your passion. What more could you ask for?


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