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June 24, 2018

The Essentials of Hashtag Marketing

Hashtags have been around as long as the internet, but they used to only...

June 20, 2018

Current Social Media Stats That Will Melt Your Mind

Everybody knows that social media is the place to go for your digital marketing...

June 20, 2018

Engagement Marketing 101: What You Need to Know to Get People Poppin’

These days you can’t just inform consumers, you have to entertain them too. Getting...

June 20, 2018

Which Social Media Platform Generates the Best Leads?

Trick question! The answer is: it depends. I know, I know. Everyone wants one...

June 8, 2018

The Importance of Influencer Marketing

The world is a competitive place and although the arena remains the same, the...

June 7, 2018

Segmenting Customers with Personalization

There are now 7.4 billion people on this planet and counting. How are you...

May 23, 2018

Did it Really Start with Myspace? A Brief History of Social Media

Human beings have always been social creatures. So, the advent and popularity of social...

May 18, 2018

The Top Tools for Gathering Social Media Data

The only way for a modern marketing department to demonstrate their success is through...

May 18, 2018

Generational Marketing and How to Target Your Audience

In the past, marketing used to target everyone equally. If you were old enough...

May 17, 2018

Why is Brand Engagement So Important?

When people are emotionally connected to your brand, they become highly engaged and buy...

May 7, 2018

A Quick Guide to Establishing a Social Strategy for your Business

If you’ve put off marketing on social media because you doubted its credibility, you...

May 7, 2018

Do you Know Which Audiences Frequent Which Social Websites the Most?

Segmentation strategy is simpler than it sounds. It’s about breaking up groups of consumers...

April 30, 2018

Why Should I Pay Attention to Social Return on Investment (SROI)?

The short answer is that anything you invest time and money into should require...

April 30, 2018

How Social Media can Drive Predictive Analytics

Social media is a treasure chest of data that you can use to drive...

April 30, 2018

10 Customer Metrics that Boost Engagement

In order to engage people, the first step is understanding how they tick. In...

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